Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to Know Easily About Your Day's Prediction?

You can now easily find and know how your day would be. You can do calculation by your own and learn to know your day before starting any important work. Suppose - you want to buy a vehicle, you want to buy a house, flat or any other thing. Which would be the good day for you? You can know it by yourself. No need to ask others. Do calculation by your own.

Anyway, to know something new is always a great work. You may not believe but just learn and you will be happy to know your day.

There are mainly FOUR ways to find about a day's prediction for each individual. I am telling you here two easy ways to find the day's prediction for you.
  1. Finding Nakshatra Prediction.
  2. Finding Moon Place to know Prediction.
First know all the 27 Nakshtras...

1 Aswini
2 Bharani
3 Krithika
4 Rohini
5 Mrigashiras
6 Aardhra
7 Punarvasu
8 Pushyami
9 Ashlesha
10 Magha/Makha
11 P.Phalguni/PoorvaPhalguni
12 U.Phalguni/Uthraphalguni
13 Hastha
14 Chitra
15 Swaathi
16 Vishaakha
17 Anuraadha
18 Jyeshta
19 Moola
20 P.Shada/Poorvashaada
21 U.Shada/Uthrashaada
22 Shraavan
23 Dhanishta
24 Shathabhisha
25 P.Bhadra/Poorvabhadra
26 U.Bhadra/Uthrabhadra
27 Revathi

Which one is yours??? First Know This. Then Count 1 to 9 from the number of your Nakshatra to the number of today's Nakshatra.

Like - If your Nakshatra is 1 means Aswini and today's Nakshatra is 14 means Chitra then your count is like -- 5, if you count it from 1 to 14 for 1 to 9 numbers.

So, if it is 5 then see below:

1- Average
2- Good
3- Not Good
4- Good
5- Not Good
6- Good
7- Not Good
8- Good
9 - Very good

Now second calculation is --

Finding Moon Place to know Prediction.

Open any online Panchang/Panjika and see where is the Moon for that day. Then count the place starting from your Rashi.

Like - If your Rashi is Kumbh and that day the Moon is in Mesha then the count will be like - Kumbh, Meena, Mesha - means 3. So, that day is good for Kumbha Rashi people as the Moon is in 3rd place on that day.

Now Predictions of Moon Places -

1 - Good
2- Not Good
3 - Good
4 - Not Good
5 - Not good/but Good in Shukla Paksha
6- Good
7- Good
8- Not Good
9- Average
10 - Good
11- Very Good
12- Not Good

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