Sunday, November 11, 2012

Astrology and Its Belief and Genuineness for Human Life

It is important to know that Astrology is a study of reciprocity between the positions and movements of heavenly bodies. Astrology impacts on human life and physical processes on Earth. There are lots of controversies prevailed for the belief of Astrology, but, I must stress on that it should not be confused with fortune telling, psychic reading, palmistry or tarot reading. Astrology is away from all sorts of controversies and confusions.

Astrology is for finding positive ways of our life and to live for more years with maximum happiness. Many a people put it aside commenting non scientific remarks on it. But the fact is Astrology does not leave you until you take the final breathe of your life. Once you are born you are automatically enveloped into the circle of Astrology. Astrology does not exercised by any religious point of view as it is purely secular and for all living thing.

Principles of Astrology:

The great astronomer, Kepler said, "A most unfailing experience of the excitement of sub-lunary natures by the conjunctions and aspects of the planets has instructed and compelled my unwilling belief."

The key part of Astrology is our Karma. Astrology can guide you to explore your positive ways and to live accordingly. With regard to your Karma, you can change predictions of your future and make a happy life. Of course, it may look funny for many people but, it's fact that is derived from our sense of working. Astrology is a science of pure ethics. It is interlinked with facts and happenings. Sometimes surroundings also create sensible strike to affect in our day to day life.

Astrology Predictions:

Astrology can predict your future. Yes, but it requires lots of studies and critical analyses of planetary transitions and movements. Robert Currey said in his blog post that Astrology is not a faith but, it is a proper experience in someone's life. Although scientific proclamation is the key functions of Astrology but some factors are based on human developments and surroundings.

Important to know:

When you want someone to tell about your future – a Astrologer has to study your Janma Kundali and the critical transitions of the planets both at the time of predictions and when you born. The transitions of planets in your birth time takes vital role for your future and at the same time the transitions of planets in the present time also create greater sense for your future. The characteristics of Nakshatra and your Rashi are also important. After all these studies, a Astrologer can predict your future.

Latest Coming How to Read Your Own Future : A Process of Living Life in the Happiest Way

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