Sunday, June 1, 2014

Astrology Prediction - The Planet Jupiter - Transition to Kark Rashi on June 17th 2014

Characteristics of Jupiter:

The planet Jupiter is the most important planet that signifies marriage and childbirth.  This planet also remarkably signifies the expansion of family, health, wealth, or prosperity. Jupiter is an old and big planet and affects the human life with its expanding nature.  If Jupiter occupies a strong place in one’s Horoscope, the native would have greater shining life with the expansion of family, health, wealth and prosperity. For a female Horoscope, Jupiter is the real indicator of her marriage life. According to its places in the Horoscope, we can calculate her marriage life.  On the other hand, Venus stands for the calculation of male Horoscope to understand his marriage life. However, Jupiter is the real creator of entire malefic and beneficial things in any one’s life.

On 17th June, 2014 – The planet Jupiter will make its yearly transition to Cancer (Kark Rashi). Jupiter will be in this place (Kark Rashi) for one year:

According to Jupiter’s transition, the prediction to each rashi has been made here under:

Aries = Mesh : Not good

Taurus = Brishabh: Not good

Gemini = Mithun : Good from all aspects basically gaining more money.

Cancer = Kark: Good or bad equal

Leo = Simha: Very bad from all aspects need to do some activities to pacify Guru

Virgo = Kanya : Outstanding good results from all aspects. Some remarkable things will happen which will continue for life long.

Libra = Tula: Not good, may result loss of position

Scorpio = Vrichik : Very good from all aspects specially good for his/her homely affairs.

Sagittarius = Dhanu: Not good may result physical disturbances

Capricorn = Makar: Very good from all aspects specially good for his/her life partner and some surprising success.

Aquarius = Kumbha : Not good specially health care to be taken.

Pisces = Meen : Very good from all aspects specially educational success family expansion.

According to the above prediction people can make use of remedial process of pacifying Guru (Jupiter). Usages of special color in specific days of the week, which can help develop confidence.

Know the importance of color on each day of a week:

Sunday:  Red
Ruled by: The Sun
Mantra: Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah

Monday:  White
Ruled by: Moon
Mantra: Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah

Tuesday: Orange and red
Ruled by: Mars
Mantra: Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah

Wednesday: Green
Ruled by: Mercury
Mantra: Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah

Thursday:  Yellow
Ruled by: Jupiter
Mantra: Om gram greem groum sah gurave namah

Friday:  Blue
Ruled by: Venus
Mantra: Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah

Saturday: Black or dark shade
Ruled by: Saturn
Mantra: Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah

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