Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Save Your Marriage - Stay With Astrology

Marriage is a boon of God. Yes, the Indian mythology, one of the oldest mythologies in the world ensure your marriages that are predictable and precautionary treatments can be taken to sort out issues indulged with it

Astrology has been derived from the Indian mythologies and now being practiced all over the world. However, the popularity of this great study has been reduced and most of people do not like to learn it. There are many reasons and I do not like to indicate all these in this write-up. I do not even want to stand still on any controversy connected to this. As per my knowledge, the study of Astrology is secular. It involves purely mathematical calculations. People who are born in the earth are related to Astrology irrespective of their likeness or hatred to this great study. Astrology relates to minute detail. A small segment of time can make a big difference in your life. As we know all objects in this Universe is moving, nothing is stationary. Therefore, the celestial rays from the planets fall on any human being and this is also not stationary. At times, you are blessed in favor of Jupiter or sometimes you may have to see calamities having out of favor from Saturn. This happens as all objects of the Universe keep moving and changing its places from time to time. Astrology calculates all these factors and finds a solution how to stay strong when you are getting disfavor from a planet.  Let’s discuss how we can save our marriage. I am not going to discuss on points of making marriage, or causes of not happening marriage. This article is based on how to solve problems in a married life.  

It means – you are married but you are suffering a lot due to many other reasons related to your marriage.
Even a couple is married in their choice but still some problems occur. Why so? Both of their Raashis are matched as they have checked but still problems lead in their married life. Why so?

The important points why turmoil occurs after marriages:

The Time of marriage – When you select a date of marriage, you need to ensure certain time of marriage as it may cause problems in your future married life. You need to make sure that Narada and Agni have in safe place.

The Naadi calculations – Even both of your Raashis got matched but you need to ensure correlation between both of your Naadis. It may lead a hazard life in the future.

The Vaastu placement in your house – Certain turmoil leads into an unhappy married life due to the placement some things inside your home. You need to maintain a neat atmosphere to avoid Vaastu problem in your home, which hammers your happy life.

While experiencing a quite time of unpleasant life, you need to analyze first, what causes in your and why you are suffering a lot. At times, you may find reasons to answer your worries. When you seem to have some valuable suggestions, you need to search a good Astrologer. I stress on a good Astrologer because there are many Astrologers with spiffy outlook but unable to sort out your reasons due to superficial knowledge in Astrology.

Astrology answers are for human kind. It has very depth calculations. No Astrologer can give you a quick prediction until he/she goes through all difficult calculation of your birth chart and present day calculation. To predict your present life, there are total 5 distinctive calculations available. After making out all these 5 distinctive calculations, a prediction can be made. However, it depends on another point – like your better half’s horoscope calculations and your parents’ and kids’. So, to predict your present life – your wife, parents, and kids, all their horoscopes will play an important role.

Hence, Astrology works in a fine tuned way to resolve problems in your married life. Get ready with your horoscope and have good suggestions from a renowned Astrologer. You can also study by yourself. If you are a strong-minded person, take advantage from the Internet; collect good books on Astrology and start reading and understanding how your life is advancing. Always remember, Astrology is for good blessings for life to live a life happily. 

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